Kinect Bodyscanner

Version Control


For the purposes of this project, we decided to use Github as our version control and source code storage platform. This felt to be the most obvious choice as we were all familiar with the git/github site previously. The project in it's entirety is split into two separate folders. The 'software' folder contains all coding artefacts from the actual bodyscanner prototype as well as all coded tests files for the project. The 'website' folder links to the source files of this website and well as of all our research and documentation.

Version Control Links
Below you can find the link to the main project Github page. Here you can access both the bodyscanner software as well as the website source files:

In addition to the Github repository listed above, we also used created a shared Google drive folder for the project. This was used to store all bi-weekly reports, work and testing plans as well several of the UI design for the project. Google drive seemed the best candiate for this purpose as it allowed the simaltaneous collaboration of several users on documents. This was particularly helpful when it came to working on bi-weekly reports and work plans collaboratively.