Flask *web application*
*Language: Python 2.7*
The externally facing component of the Willow backend which serves as the point of communication for the front-end (:doc:`Angular app ` instances) and acts as a mediator, relaying data operation requests received from clients to :doc:`Celery workers `. The Flask application also handles importing and exporting of datasets.
* `Flask `_ as the web application framework
* `Flask-SocketIO `_ for enabling support for WebSocket connections with SocketIO
* `Flask-SQLAlchemy `_ for persistently associationg SocketIO client IDs with Willow sessionIDs using SQLite
WebSocket requests
The Flask web application supports all of the requests detailed in the :doc:`WebSocket API `, and relays each requests to the appropriate :ref:`Celery task function `.
.. _flask-http:
HTTP endpoints
.. _flask-upload:
``POST /upload``
Import a new dataset into Willow and initialize a session
**Data Params**
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
* | ``file=[File]``
| CSV, JSON or Excel dataset (maximum size 1GB)
* | ``initialSkip=[Integer]``, *optional*
| specify first *n* lines to skip (for CSV and Excel files)
* | ``sampleSize=[Float]``, *optional*
| define the proportion of the dataset for random sampling (between 0 and 1)
* | ``seed=[Integer]``, *optional*
| seed value for random sampling, use for replicable sampling
Content-Type: application/json
.. code-block:: none
'success': [boolean],
'sessionID': [30 character long hexadecimal string]
.. note::
*sessionID* outputted in response must be saved, as it is necessary for
referring to the uploaded dataset in future HTTP and WebSocket requests
.. _flask-download-JSON:
``GET downloadJSON/``
Initiate a dataset file download in JSON format.
e.g. ``GET downloadJSON/617646cb1e421f72b7e742dbdbd4cb``
| Content-Disposition: attachment
| Content-Type: application/json
.. _flask-download-CSV:
``GET downloadCSV/``
Initiate a dataset file download in CSV format.
e.g. ``GET downloadCSV/617646cb1e421f72b7e742dbdbd4cb``
| Content-Disposition: attachment
| Content-Type: text/csv
.. _flask-celery-task-completed:
``POST /celeryTaskCompleted``
Notify a connected client over WebSocket that a requested operation has been completed.
.. caution::
This endpoint is used internally for communication with Celery workers, and should not
be considered part of the HTTP API.
**Data Params**
Content-Type: application/json
The JSON in the body of the POST request is forwarded as is to the corresponding
WebSocket client connected to the Flask application.