The first lesson is just for cooking!!!
You should at least complete :
Choose one of these recipes or your own recipe that could be finish in 30 minutes:
Highly recommend food (Healthy and easy to cook):
While you cook you will need to sketch down your own recipe on a piece of paper.
At least include (Click if you have done this):
The reason of doing this is you will use this for the following lessons. This is the information of your recipe website.
It will be a great idea if you TAKE A PICTURE of the food after you finished cooking and before you start eating. A recipe having a picture will be more attractive.
Search online about the nutrition information that your food might have and if it is possible, state their static value.
For example:
For Superhealthy salmon burgers, you could find its' nutrition information per serving as follows:
(Picture Source:
(Bcakground picture Source from: Love Wallpaper HD)