Mark Scheme for the Final Project
Quality of Code
(need improvement) (good) (excellent)
0-2 3-4 5
1.Naming of variables many variables are most variables are all variables are
improperly properly named properly named
2.Structure of code the code is badly the code has a proper the code is well
structured ,with little structure with good structured, very
or no indentations indentations easy to follow
3.Repetitions of code there are a lot of the code is generally the code is very
repetitions in the code concise, with a few concise, with no
repetitions repetitions
Quality of visualisation
(need improvement) (good) (excellent)
0-2 3-4 5
1. presentation of data data is poorly presented the visualisation the data is
(e.g the visualisation fails represents the data presented very
to represent the data in in a relatively clear well, all data is
clear manner) way clearly
2. amount of information the visualisation the visualisation the visualisation
conveys little or no conveys the most conveys extra
information carried of the information information
by the data in a clear way the original data
(need improvement) (good)
0 4
1. contribution of each member the amount of work is each member
poorly divided contributed equally