We understand the stresses that teachers go through on a daily basis in trying to get students
to co-operate in lessons. To alleviate this, we recommend the following steps -
● Go through the tutorials and exercises before time to familiarise yourself with it
● Ensure all the computers in the lab are working and switched on for log in to prevent
any delays. Internet browser and good internet connection will be needed to access the
Microsoft TouchDevelop website. Visit www.touchdevelop.com
● All the students will require Engduinos
● The students should all have TouchDevelop accounts so that they can carry out the
exercises and tutorials
● If needed, you can create a group on TouchDevelop so that the students can share their
work for you to view
● To enable the students settle down, give them a brief introduction of the topic of the
day and its importance. The one page statement will be useful for this.
● The tutorials are very hands on but pay attention to students who are not native
English Speakers or those with Special Educator Need.
● Once majority of the class, feel comfortable with the material, have the exercise sheets
ready to be handed out.
● Regarding the Engduinos, the class must be visual and engaging. Allow the students
study their Engduino and show them the various parts (the Engduinos come with a
sheet showing these). If you are not familiar with the Engduino or arduinos, which the
Engduinos are based on, visit www.engduino.org.