The curriculum developed covers a range of important and elementary programming
concepts which apply to not only Microsoft TouchDevelop but most programming languages.
The concepts were introduced in our previous lesson plans but as a follow up, these lessons
will be directed at the Engduino. They will focus on two main parts of the Engduino - LEDs
and accelerometers and the STEM principles such as the maths and physics behind the
accelerometer. Our aim is to make these tutorials easy enough for the students to understand
and provide exercises which will engage the students and enable them pick up more interest in
these topics. The learning theory for these lessons will be mainly Competitive learning, as
stated in the introduction document,so as to promote learning in a creative and fun way but
also push the students to do their best.
This course contains teaching material for students age 11 - 16. Tutorials should be done in
50mins classes, exercises can be started during this period and given to the students as
homework if not completed or started. Some tutorials and exercises such as the first two are
short and can be combined into one class if the material covering them is finished quickly.
Engduino 101 - This tutorial covers the basics of using TouchDevelop to program an
Engduino, it was previously introduced in our last lesson plan but we believe this will be very
valuable to the students. It will introduce the concept of the GameLoop Event which allows for
code to be run on the Engduino on a cycle. It will also introduce the Engduino Library to allow
for communication between TouchDevelop and the Engduino. This tutorial will require
concepts learnt from previous tutorials, namely the Conditional Statements Tutorial and the
Iteration Tutorial. The school children will create a piece of code that will make the Endguino.
Accelerometer – This documentation explain the mathematical content of an accelerometer
module in Engduino which can measure acceleration in 3 dimensions. First, it explain gravity
by showing the gravitational force equation. By defining every single variables in the equation,
student will get to know that gravity is just the force of two object exerted on each other. It will
then describe acceleration as the rate at which the velocity changes and show that it has both
magnitude as well as direction. Finally, this document will get into more details about the
mathematical concept of how the accelerometer works in Engduino.
Engduino Lights and Accelerometer Tutorials - These tutorials allow the student to
communicate with the Engduino, manipulating the lights and getting acceleration sensor data.
They get progressively harder and aim to cover all ranges of ability of the children. The first