Advanced Data Analysis for Community Engagement

Used for the timely synthesis of social behavioural information to improve engagement and acclimate the disaster relief team

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The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network. Its primary mission is to alleviate human suffering and protect life and health, especially during wars, natural disasters, and health emergencies. Currently, planning effective disaster relief is challenging as the help provided must be culturally and contextually appropriate to the affected communities for the help to be truly beneficial. A major obstacle is the absence of a centralised resource to gather socio-behavioural information, which provides insights into how individuals and groups interact within their unique social context. To address this issue, the IFRC has had to establish teams dedicated to collecting and analysing this data in affected areas, a process that requires a lot of man-power and can consume weeks of intensive work. These teams then compile their insights into sophisticated reports that guide the IFRC’s relief strategies. While this approach is essential for providing appropriate support, it can delay disaster response and reduce the overall effectiveness of it.

Our system, Advanced Data Analysis for Community Engagement (ADA), is an advanced chatbot equipped with a comprehensive database of socio-behavioural information, designed to address user queries effectively. When ADA receives a question, it carefully selects relevant data from its database to construct a response that is directly aligned with the user's specific inquiry. This ensures that the responses are both accurate and contextually appropriate.

Our system represents a significant achievement by providing rapid access to timely and relevant information through a dynamically expandable database. This has led to a considerable impact in disaster response and crisis management, as IFRC responders can now make more informed operational decisions. The direct outcome of implementing ADA includes improved engagement with affected communities, the establishment of sustainable relationships, and enhanced localisation efforts, ensuring that interventions are accurately aligned with the specific needs and cultural contexts of those being served.

Community engagement is a crucial measure of the effectiveness of disaster relief techniques. With the advent of the internet, there's been more data than ever before, enabling another avenue to gauge the effectiveness of disaster relief techniques. Despite this, Hence, it is important for the team to be sufficiently acclimated to the local culture and understand the effectiveness of said techniques.

In the past, this has been done through surverys and manual research. However, this proved to be inefficient and time consuming, leading to an overwhelming requirment of manpower and time, slowing response times and comprimising effectiveness.

This laid the foundation of this project, to not just automate the research, but additionally, provide it in a swift period to minimize wait time. As such, this project aims to achieve the following:

  • Enable the quick deployment of the disaster relief team
  • Acclimitaze the disaster relief team regarding local culture quickly
  • Provide a qualitative measure of the effectiveness of disaster relief techniques

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Meet the development team behind this project


Berken Gokcek

Roles: UI Design, Report Website, Requirements Analysis

Lucy Cui

Roles: Video Editing, Report Website, Requirements Analysis

Hao Jie Pe

Roles: Tester, Project Partners Liaison, Research & Experiments

Site Info

This is the website for UCL Year2 2023-2024 COMP0016 Team 35: Social Behavioural Synthesis, which introduces the team project and contains all the portfolios.

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