The Final Project(Competition)
Congratulations on completing all the lessons! You have learnt the basics of D3 visualisation
and it's time for you apply what you've learnt in a competition.
Project:You will be divided into groups of 3 or 4. And as a group, you will choose a set of
data from the subjects you are interested in(For example, atomic radii, population distribution,
change in GDP of a country etc.) and visualise it. You have two options and you have to choose one
of them:
- Option1:Make a bar chart to represent your chosen data set
- Option2:Make something really different! Use your imagination to make a beautiful and
astounding visualisation of your data set
Assessment and Ranking
Groups will be ranked based on the marks of their projects. Each project will be assessed as following:
- Quality of code - Are variables properly named? Is code properly indented? Are there repetitions of code?
Total mark:15
- Quality of visualisation:Is data well presented? How much information does the graph give?
- Cooperation and Management:Did each member contribute equally? How well the did the group manage the
project?(The mark is based on report each member writes after completing the project. In the report should
a description of work. Also, everyone needs to give a mark out of 10 to his or her partner based on the
to the project)
Total mark:4
- Bonus:This only applies to the groups who choose option2. How bonus mark is calculated:
total mark for Quality of code, Cooperation between members and Cooperation and Management divided by
29 and then multiplied by 15
Total mark:15
The above four criteria should be marked by teachers
See mark scheme
- Vote:Each group will present their project to other groups. Everyone can vote for the
project he or she thinks is the best but cannot vote for his or her own team. The number of votes
each group gets will be added to their total mark. (1 vote is worth 1 mark)
In order to make good data visualisations, you will need extra information about D3(especially
for those who choose option 2) . The following links will help you with your project:
Author : Mingqian Wang