

The idea of custom connector and Microsoft Power Platform suggests a near-to-no-code environment for software engineer. Hence there is no code involve in building our two connectors. While it is possible to implement custom code for actions in our connector by using the language C#, we are asked by our client to implement IBM Watson APIs for general use that can be further expand if needed by other developers for their task specific project. We therefore did not implement any custom code and use the no-code template auto generated by Power App for each action.


All IBM Watson APIs use the 'basic authentication' method for authorising users, which requires the user to fill in a username and password before he/she can access the API functionality. The field 'username' for all Watson APIs are identical, with a fixed string 'apikey' in lowercase, while the field 'password' is filled with the actual APIkey for Watson's service, given by user's IBM Cloud account. When we first implement this we added the message “Please fill in 'apikey' as your username” next to the 'username' field to clear out confusion. Yet we later decided that this was not the best approach and we implemented a drop down menu on the field with one single option 'Default', which force the string 'apikey' to be filled when selected, to tackle this confusing authentication.


Below states the authentication/connection for our two custom connectors, and their corresponding implemented actions specifications, including their functions, request and response.

IBM Watson Text to Speech (Independent Publisher)1

The IBM Watson Text to Speech service uses IBM's speech-synthesis capabilities to synthesize text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages, dialects, and voices.

Creating a Connection

Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Service URL string The service URL True
API Key Name string The API key name True
API Key SecureString The service API key True


Get Voice

Operation ID: GetVoice

Gets information about the specified voice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Voice Name voice True string Voice Name


Name Path Type Description
url url string url
name name string name
language language string language
customizable customizable boolean customizable
gender gender string gender
voice_transformation supported_features.voice_transformation boolean voice_transformation
custom_pronunciation supported_features.custom_pronunciation boolean custom_pronunciation
description description string description
voice_transformation voice_transformation string voice_transformation

List Voices

Operation ID: ListVoices

Lists all voices available for use with the service.


Name Path Type Description
voices voices array of object
url voices.url string url
name string name
language voices.language string language
customizable voices.customizable boolean customizable
gender voices.gender string gender
voice_transformation voices.supported_features.voice_transformation boolean voice_transformation
custom_pronunciation voices.supported_features.custom_pronunciation boolean custom_pronunciation
description voices.description string description


Operation ID: Pronunciation

Gets the phonetic pronunciation for the specified word.


Name Key Required Type Description
Voice Name voices string Voice Name
Text text string Text to pronounce


Name Path Type Description
pronunciation pronunciation string pronunciation


Operation ID: Synthesize

Synthesizes text to audio that is spoken in the specified voice.


Name Key Required Type Description
Voice Name voices string Voice Name
Text text True string Text to convert to speech


Name Path Type Description
base64 base64 string base64

IBM Watson Assistant (Independent Publisher)2

The IBM Watson Assistant service combines machine learning, natural language understanding, and an integrated dialog editor to create conversation flows between your apps and your users.

Creating a Connection

Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Service URL string The service URL True
Environment ID string The Environment ID True
API Key Name string The API key name True
API Key SecureString The service API key True


Create a session

Operation ID: CreateSession

Create a new session. A session is used to send user input to a skill and receive responses.


Name Key Required Type Description
version version True string date of release of Watson Assistant version


Name Path Type Description
session_id session_id string session_id

Delete session

Operation ID: DeleteSession

Deletes a session explicitly before it times out.


Name Key Required Type Description
session session True string session
version version string date of release of Watson Assistant version

Stateful Message

Operation ID: StatefulMessage

Send user input to an assistant and receive a response, with conversation state (including context data) stored by Watson Assistant for the duration of the session.


Name Key Required Type Description
session session True string session
version version string date of release of Watson Assistant version
text text True string text


Name Path Type Description
intents output.intents array of object intents
intent output.intents.intent string intent
confidence output.intents.confidence float confidence
generic output.generic array of object generic
response_type output.generic.response_type string response_type
text output.generic.text string text
user_id user_id string user_id

Stateless Message

Operation ID: StatelessMessage

Send user input to an assistant and receive a response, with conversation state (including context data) managed by your application.


Name Key Required Type Description
version version string date of release of Watson Assistant version
text text True string text


Name Path Type Description
intents output.intents array of object intents
intent output.intents.intent string intent
confidence output.intents.confidence float confidence
generic output.generic array of object generic
response_type output.generic.response_type string response_type
text output.generic.text string text
user_id user_id string user_id

  1. IBM Watson Text to Speech (Independent Publisher)
  2. IBM Watson Assistant (Independent Publisher) (Preview)