
We split up the project into two main parts – Data from the Apple Watch and from the Kinect; here are our achievements:

Apple Watch


ID Requirements Priority State Contributors
Must have
1 Relatively accurate body and skeletal tracking of a single person dancing Must have Yide
2 Apple Watch integration with health metrics available after session has ended. (The health metrics from the Apple Watch include calories burned, average heart rate, duration of dance and the no. of steps taken) Must have Jan
3 Researched, analyzed and considered alternative technologies to track and monitor health benefits of dance Must have Jan,Yide,Alex
Should have
4 Ability to display video with skeletal tracking overlaid Should have Alex
5 Ability to save skeletal tracking video Should have Alex
6 Ability to save the data from one dance session in a file Should have Yide
7 Ability to calibrate to the user's proportions and the position of the floor relative to the camera Should have Yide and Alex
8 The system should be easy to use and set-up Should have Jan, Yide, and Alex
9 Simple analysis on skeletal tracking / video that is health/dance related. As an example, the type of dance and how active it is could be defined. Should have Yide
10 The Apple Watch data and skeletal tracking data should be viewable on a single integrated dashboard Should have
11 All the health metrics that are gathered and displayed should be relatively accurate and repeatable Should have Jan,Yide
12 A user application, where all their dance sessions and health data would be visible for them (usable without the help of a technical person) Should have
Could have
13 A simple user interface Could have
14 Relatively accurate body and skeletal tracking of two people Could have Yide
15 Have the data be stored in a database semi-permanently Could have
Would have
16 Automatic posture corrector via vibrations in the Apple Watch Could have
17 User survey after each session to track their mental health Would have
18 Machine Learning implementation that recognises the different styles of dance Would have
19 Might turn into an iPhone-centric app Would have
20 Other wearable integration (smart shoes…) Would have
Key Functionalities (must have and should have) 83% completed
Optional Functionalities (could have) 33.3% completed

Known Bug Table

ID Bug Description Priority
1 If the spin is performed quickly, the Apple Watch sometimes overestimate the number of spins Medium
2 If the user deny the access to apple health data to the app, it occasionally cause crashes High
3 The skeleton drawn on the screen keeps the same proportions and flooring all the time, if the user move away from the camera, the skleton will not overlay with the user's body Medium
4 When joints are out of camera space or occluded, the joint co-ordinate data appear to be random numbers Medium
5 On certain machines, the video output is empty Medium

Contribution Table

Contribution Table

Intended deliverable

Future Work