Sphinx Documentation#

We are using sphinx to produce our project website. Sphinx converts .rst files into static html and css files with an applied theme. This section will explain how to build our website.

Docs Overview#

The contents of our docs directory are as following.

├── build
├── make.bat
├── Makefile
├── requirements.txt
└── source

The most important bits here are build and source directories.

  • source: contains .rst files which are used to create static html for our website.

  • build: contains the generated .html files.

Installing requirements#

First of all you will need to install documentation specific requirements. From /docs directory run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Building documentation#

In order generate docs in the build directory, run the following command from the /docs directory.

make clean ; make html

This will go over every .rst file in the source folder and translate it into html, according to the configuration defined int source/conf.py. Resultant files can be found in build/html.