
Project Background

The International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) helps National Soceities apply for funding to deal with disaster events by filling out the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) Form. The existing features on the IFRC's GO platform helps with automating data entry and collection for country specific information from the DREF forms filled out by Host Societies. However, there is no existing mechanism to extract relevant information from DREF Appeals already made in the past, specifically for Admin 1 and Admin 2 related information [Admin 0, 1 and 2 represent geogrpahical administrative units. For e.g.: In the case of the USA, USA would be Admin 0, California would be an exmaple of Admin 1 and Butte County would be an example of Admin 2]. It would take a significant amount of time and manual labour to extract and tabulate relevant information from sucha a large collection of documents. As such, it is diffcult to form meaningful historic trends about disaster events that would help paint a better picture for the IFRC and allow them to allocate funding in a faster and more efficient manner.

Project Goals

Our project goal is to develop a easy-to-learn, efficient and user-friendly tool that allows the IFRC to extract required information from documents to help form meaningful historic trends and make funding decisions.
It must be a stand-alone tool that is simple to navigate with minimal effort and must provide usable results.
The tool allows users to upload a file and extract certain details from it and stores the extracted information in a PostgreSQL database that the IFRC can view and manage.
The extracted information can be visualized at various stages of use, the first instance being a page that displays extracted information after the necessary data enrichments are done and the second instance being the database itself, which is updated after every use of the tool.

Gathering of Requirements

Gathering requirements was part of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) component of this module and formed the first phase of our project.
The 6 usability goals as deined by HCI are effectiveness, efficiency, safety, utility, learnability and memorability. Centering the development of our project around these 6 goals has helped us develop a tool that is focused on the end-user's experience.
In order to gather the requirements of this project, we needed to interview different categories of end-users. Due to the fact that our clients are centered in Geneva, we decided to conduct interviews on Microsoft Teams that followed a semi-structured approach as well as collect responses from questionnaires using Microsoft Forms.
Due to the fact that some categories of end-users had busy schedules and the fact that we were time-bound, we decided to develop quick, easy-to-answer questionnaires in addition to the semi-structured interviews in order to paint a more accurate picture.

Interviews and Questionnaires

In order to collect authentic, unbiased information from the users, we concluded that it would be vital to ask open-ended, general questions that would encourage them to give us honest answers about what their needs and expectations of the tool were. As we wanted to maximize the chances of users submitting the questionnaire, we made sure to include clear instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire and asked simple-to-answer questions while respecting their anonymity.
We chose to ask questions about what they thought the current problem was, what they liked and disliked about the current GO platform and what they believe the final product must contain. Extracts from the transcripts of the interviews as well as visualizations of the questionnaire results are as follows:

Analysis of Data Collected

Upon analysing the data collected through surverys, we arrived at the following conclusions:


After getting a clearer understanding of our end-users and their needs and expectations, we created personas of our main user groups: .
We decided to center our personas around details and personality traits that would have the most impact on our final product. The personas created are as follows:

MoSCoW Requirements

After analysing inetrview and questionnaire results as well as conducting adequate user research and communicating with our client, we finalized a list of functional and non-functional MoSCoW requirements:

Functional Requirements

Must Have
Should Have
Could Have
Won't Have

Non-functional Requirements

Must Have