MI3.4 EyeGaze

EyeGaze Requirements

These requirements are set on conditions that the users head is in a fixed position 1. Design a calibration page (back end) which allows the user to pick their calibration requirements. Requirements can include, number of points they can calibrate with (1,5,9).

  1. Wink and other feature options should work fluently, the user should have the option of picking how they want to control mouse clicks. Additonally the jitter of the code given to us should be minimal allowing the mouse to move seamlessly, noise control.

  2. Designing the front end calibration, which allows the user to see themselves and an avatar.The avatar should mimic the face movement and specifically highlight the eye placement.

  3. Create a heat map. This should be based on the nose and eyes, creating a triangle shape between them and measuring the distances in order to find out how far/close the user is from the screen


The contractures requirements involve applying the UI of the eyeGaze onto the contructures software Contractures are tracked based upon the fact they move across a flat table or 2D plane. Therefore the UI should ensure the camera position/hand position are in the correct place in order for the software to start working.

