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The objective of this project is to investigate and implement improvements to the data collection, preparation and analysis phase that occurs at the start of most projects related to data science that usually requires a number of manual processes from both the customers and development team.

The team will be working with Seldon for this project. Seldon is an open-source machine learning platform for data scientists and developers to include recommendations and predictive scoring within their apps and services.

By the end of this project, we aim to produce a working prototype of a web-based tool that offers data cleaning, exploring, and visualising features.

This project will eventually become open-sourced. A public repository for this project can be accessed here.

About the Team

This project is being worked on by three UCL 2nd year Computer Science undergraduates as part of the COMP204P and COMP205P Systems Engineering Project modules.

Shivam Dhall — Group Manager, Chief Researcher

I am a competitive individual with a diverse range of skills, the most prominent being strategic thinking and execution. Last year I had the opportunity to work alongside a group of other students to develop an application for the company ATOS; as a result I feel as though I have become a better communicator and have also gained some valuable experience that has served to improve my programming skills and time management skills. I hope that I will be able to utilise my skills within this project to conceive new ideas, strategize plans and also promote a healthy work environment within the team resulting in productivity, integrity and responsibility. Over the course of this project I hope to enhance my programming ability by learning about new software frameworks such as Apache Hadoop. I would also like to take back an improved understanding of how artificial intelligence systems work and the logic that is used to develop them.

Bandi Enkh-Amgalan — Technical Lead, Client Liaison

I am looking forward to work on this project. I have always held interest in machine learning and big data because they are exciting areas at the forefront of computer science research having only recently broke their way into commercial application. I hope to gain loads of experience and technical knowledge and collaborate with my teammates to build an impressive product that caters to our client.

Gordon Cheng — UI Lead, Chief Editor

As the Chief Editor of the team, I will be responsible for the documentation of this project and maintaining this website. My personal interests include UI and web design, and I look forward to putting my skills in these areas to use. Previous projects I have worked on include an iOS app for a hospital which allowed doctors to refer patients to different departments. I am excited to be given the opportunity to work on this project revolving around data science. In the course of this project, I hope to gain knowledge and skills in this area and strengthen my project management skills.