This page consist of a user manual which contains information on how to use our application on the client side. It also contains a system manual that has instructions on how to deploy our system.

User Manual System Manual Client Feedback Gantt Chart Biweekly reports Meeting Minutes

User Manual

This is a short document containing information about how to user our application. It walksthrough how a user would use our application either as an admin or a normal user. It also contains a short summary of what the features of the application are.

User Manual

System Manual

This is a short report on the instructions on how to our project upon receiving our code.

API System Manual Application System Manual

Client Feedback

Overall our client was satisfied with the progress we have made so far and with the implemented features for the application. We have had 2 user acceptance tests where in both cases, we asked for written feedback. Our client responded by giving us feedback in the form of emails so that we could work on improving our application. Below are screenshots of the emails that our client has sent to us.

first sketch

Client feedback on project website and interactive prototype.

first sketch

Client feedback on our application after a full scale user acceptance test.

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Gantt Charts

Below are simple gantt charts that illustrates our work flow for term 1 and term 2.

first sketch

Gantt Chart for term 1

first sketch

Gantt Chart for term 2

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Bi-weekly Reports

This section contains all bi-weekly reports of term 1 and term 2.

Date Download

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Meeting Minutes

This is a summary of the meetings that we have had with our client for term 1 and 2 which includes the dates the meetings were held and a short description of what the meetings were about

Date Topic Download
10/10/2016 First meeting with client to gather requirements and dicuss problem defition.
11/10/2016 Meeting with CTO of ATOS to discuss technical requirements and constraints and finalise them.
24/10/2016 Supervisor meeting to discuss our progress and give project outline to our supervisor.
26/10/2016 Quick skype meeting to discuss questions we had for our client and clear any confusion.
8/02/2017 This meeting was to show our client our interactive prototype, project website and video
5/04/2017 This was an user acceptance where we showed our client an almost completed version of our application to be tested so that we could get her feedback and apply the finishing touches to the appplication

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