Fundamentally, our project focuses on backend development, such as the creation of databases and data extraction tools that an end user is never aware of.
The more 'front end' features such as apps will be most likely developed by future teams, however there are some elements that will be user focused
These elements are mostly 'forms' or data entry systems.
As part of our data collection efforts, under requirement ID 1, we decided it would be useful to collect financial data from NGOs.
We looked at a few different ways of collecting this data including the use of Google / Microsoft forms, but decided they were not quite powerful enough to allow easy entry of the data we want. In order to make the form as simple and easy to use as possible, we decided to build it in Microsoft Excel. This tool is something that members of an NGO are most likely already familiar with.
Obviously none of us are experts in finance data, so after some research, we came across a few key data-points that we believe are worth collecting.
There was no real reason to build a prototype for this, so below is a screenshot of the first draft of the finance form.
As mentioned previously, our project is not particularly front-end focused, however, we would like to create a basic front end system in order to access the data that we collect. Such a system would link all the different parts of our project together nicely.
Below are a few early sketches of what the front-end web app may look like.