Bug List

Our team utilises GitHub issue tracker to keep track of bugs and fixing progress. We did not use JIRA issue tracker as its isolated from the code base on Github.

Below, we provide a snapshot of issue (bug) list at 01:27 on Thursday, 23 January, 2020.


Open: #2 The navigation bar cannot be expanded after being folded.

  • Priority: Medium
  • Environment: iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Operation System: iOS 13.3
  • Assigned to: Patrick Wu
  • Summary:
    The navigation bar cannot be expanded after being folded.
  • Step to Reproduce:
    Scroll down to fold the navigation bar and scroll up slowly.
  • Expected Result:
    Navigation bar being expanded when user reaches the top of the page.
  • Actual Result:
    Navigation bar is folded.

Open: #4 Picture from previous video will be kept on the screen while the system is loading the new video.

  • Priority: Low
  • Environment: iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • Operation System: iOS 13.3
  • Assigned to: null
  • Summary:
    Picture from previous video will be kept on the screen while the system is loading the new video.
  • Step to Reproduce:
    Play a video for a while and play another video in the suggestion list.
  • Expected Result:
    The screen shows nothing or loading until the new video is being loaded.
  • Actual Result:
    The screen displays picture from previous video.

Achievements - MosCow List Status

1View all types of OERMust✖️
2Suggest relevant OERs and show them below the OER that is currently on displayMust☑️Patrick
3Play or pause an OER videoMust✖️
4View a specific OER and its details when users press itMust☑️Patrick
5Bookmark a specific OERMust✖️
6Add notes to the OER when they are on displayMust✖️
7Show the person or organisation who uploads the OER materialMust☑️Patrick
8Search X5GON OER collections for keywordsMust☑️Patrick
9View their browsing historyMust✖️
10Full screen (focus) mode to view OERsMust✖️
11Rate an OER by pressing the like and dislike buttonMust☑️Patrick
12Login and logout of their accounts.Should✖️
13Buffer users’ notes for a specific OER and send them to the backend of X5GON.Should✖️
14Preload the video shown on the lists for responsiveness.Should☑️Patrick
15Allow users to view captions to the audio and video.Should✖️
16Provide different main pages, including trending, subscribed contents.Should✖️
17Record and store users’ browsing history anonymously.Should✖️
18Create a simulated backend to pre-develop certain featuresShould✖️
19Provide different functions to different privileged accounts.Could✖️
20Help improve the X5GON platform and backend if time permitsCould✖️
21Deploy this software on different platforms, e.g. AndroidCould✖️
22Allow users to report inappropriate contentCould✖️
23Allow users to change the resolution of the videoCould✖️
24Auto translate the captionsWon’t
25Allow users to upload OER from our appWon’t
26Allow users to collaborative edit notesWon’t
27Allow commenting on OERWon’t
28Show users’ note to other usersWon’t
29Keep suggesting the same OER to same userWon’t
Key Functions:45%
Optional Functions:8%

During term 1, we spent most of our time researching through various tech stacks. After choosing Swift, a language both of us have never tried before, learning Swift took priority.

We have currently built a good foundation for all UI Controllers with Swift and we believe extending them will be much more efficient compared to our progress in Term 1.

Achievements - Individual Contributions

Part Of ProjectPatrick WuYinrui Hu
Client Liaison70%30%
Requirement Analysis60%40%
UI Design60%40%
Bi-Weekly Reports60%40%
Project Website80%20%
Demo Video70%30%
Overall Contribution70.0%30.0%
Main RolesLead Developer, ResearcherTester, UI Designer, Video Editor

During term 1, Yinrui has been really busy with student union issues such that the contributing percentage might be rather lower then his teammate, if we have to evaluate and split our contributions to the project.

However, from team lead's perspective, we are first and foremost a team. We believe Yinrui will certainly take up more responsibility in Term 2.

Term 2 Timeline

With reference to the MosCow List and our progress over Term 1, we make the following timeline as a predicted time frame for Term 2.


  • Add support for full-screen focus mode
  • Create a simulated backend to help develop certain features on the front end
  • Provide closed UI Usability test among a selected group of users


  • PlayerView supports PDF and Audio contents
  • PlayerView supports Play and Pause for Video/Audio contents
  • Allow users to filter search results
  • Gather users’ browsing history anonymously
  • Allow users to add notes to the OER when they are on display


  • Allow users to bookmark a specific OER
  • Allow users to view their browsing history, with seamless updates from the backend
  • Allow users to login and logout of their accounts
  • Provide user-specific main pages, including trending and subscribed contents
  • Allow users to optionally add captions to audio and video contents


  • Provide Integration Test suites with X5GON backend
  • Usability Test to fix minor issues within UI

Future Plans

  • Improve X5Learn Backend
  • Support bullet-screen comments
  • Provide X5GON search auto-suggestions