User Manual

Our webapp can be accessed using the link You will be welcomed with a login screen, for which you can either sign up to an account or login using a test account we have made for you:

Normal user- username: testaccount, password: SecureAccount123

Admin- username: testadmin, pasword: SecurePassword123

Once you log in, you should see a list of categories, and clicking these will reveal tables which are meant to hold transactional data.

Since your account will likely not have a bank account connected to your user, you will need to click the profile icon on the top right, and then click "Profile" to be taken to the profile page.

Scroll to the bottom and enter your unique userID, for demonstration purposes enter the id "10567" and hit save. If you now navigate back to the home page by clicking the "Icy Bank" badge on the top right, the categorical tables should now be populated with data as required! There is a lot more functionality available which you can see demonstrated in the latter half of the video on the home page

Deployment Manual

We deployed our django web-app using Apache, on an Ubuntu virtual machine. So if you would like to manually deploy the webapp on your own virtual machine, you will need to create one, transfer all the Django code onto the virtual machine, and then set up an Apache web server.

You will also need to heavily edit the "" file in the webapp folder, this will include changing the "ALLOWED_HOSTS" from localhost:8000 to the IP address of your virtual machine, and some other minor changes. This is a very helpful tutorial which teaches you how to deploy a Django app from scratch: Click here

To deploy the webapp on your local machine to test the code, simply follow the instructions below (these have been written assuming you use a Unix based terminal and therefore works for Mac, Linux and WSL- if you are operating Windows without a Linux subsystem, then please find the replacement commands accordingly):

1. Extract the zip file into your desired location, navigate into this new created folder and then go into the "webapp" directory, the directory should look like this:

Open a new terminal in this folder If you dont have it already, then run the command

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip"

to get the python package installer

Now run

$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv

to get the python virtual environment installed and then create one by running the command

$ python3 -m venv env

This command creates a virtual environment called "env"

To activate your virtual environment, run the command

$ source env/bin/activate

you should now see the name of your virtual environment (env) at the beginning of each line in the terminal

Now you can run

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the dependencies, including the correct version of Django that you need for this project

Once this is done, your Django webapp should be ready to run!
Simply run the command

$ python3 runserver

and then on your browser, if you visit the url: "http://localhost:8000/", then you should be working with the full webapp. For more information on how to use the webapp, take a look at the user manual above, or even the demo in the latter half of our video on the home page!

Project Management

Click on the image for a larger picture.
Note: It make take awhile to load

Agile Practices was adopted for this project as our client, NTT DATA, uses this practice.
We actively update our plan for the next sprint according to our clients feedback.