System Architecture Diagram

System Architecture Diagram

The architecture diagram begins at the front-end, with the user accessing the application through the internet. Once they login and enter the system, they are redirected through HTTPS requests to the main dashboard that shows the user their data in categorised tables and graphs. To the viewer, this is simply an appealing web page designed using a Bootstrap template- with data visualisation generated through Microsoft PowerBI where the data in the graphs is dynamic and fetched directly from the Marklogic database through a Python Script.

The Django webapp is hosted on a virtual machine using an Apache server. The requests received from the user are encrypted by an SSL certificate (supplied by Let’s Encrypt) and thus a secure HTTPS connection is ensured. The URL’s class in Django reads the Http request and redirects you to the correct method in the Django view, which handles all the heavy lifting of the code. This consists of generating the tables of data (fetched from the Marklogic database using the REST API), passing the correct data into the templates and then returning the dynamically created templates to the web server to then be displayed to the user as an HTML response.

It is assumed that in a fully developed app, data will come from open banking data API. It asks the user for authentication to get data fromm all their bank accounts. Data is stored in a NoSQL (Marklogic) database on a virtual machine (hosted on Azure). Data can be accessed through the REST API server, which allows URL queries for data extraction and curl commands for data upload. For this prototype, we have been using self-generated JSON dummy data stored in the database since we haven’t been given access to a data store/blob.

Entity Relationship Diagram

This Entity Relationship Diagram illustrates the structure and relationship of data stored in the database. Data is stored in two parts. The majority of the data is stored in the database and the data of the users' profiles and account numbers are stored in a SQLite2 database with all the django python files locally.

The data stored in Django contains profiles and account numbers. There is a many to one relationship between account and user as one user may have multiple accounts with different banks. For the time being, they are linked using the foreign key "UserID".

Using the accountid in account numbers, the webapp then fetches data from the MarkLogic database which contains all the information about an account. Every account also has a balance and multiple transactions associated with it and all this detailed information can be fetched using the accountID.


Key functionalities Implemented

Understanding Open Banking data and restructuring it to store on the MarkLogic database, Data Generation

The data obtained from using the Open Banking API is in JSON format and contains information about all accounts the user has connected. The JSON file is very detailed and has provided us extra freedom in structuring the data. Therefore the data retrieved using the Open Banking API would be extremely length with a very complicated structure. It took us awhile to understand the data but we have successfully understood the data, which allowed us to generate our own data based on the Open Banking's data format.

MarkLogic NoSQL Database

We have also realised the inefficiency to read the full data when we are only presenting a specific set of data for each account. Thus, we took the liberty to restructure the data whenever the user links their various accounts on our web app. We would generate separate JSON files for each account and re-upload them to the MarkLogic database hosted on Microsoft Azure.

MarkLogic is a NoSQL database. Therefore scheme is necessary when storing data on the database. MarkLogic's REST API also allows fast uploading and efficient data retrieval.

Key Features of the Web App

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1. Login System

Our web app needs users to link their bank accounts to their accounts in our app. We have implemented password strength requirements when users sign up and session cookies that auto logout users inactive for 10 minutes. These are part of our security measures to protect user's sensitive financial information.

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2. The current webapp allows users to add multiple accounts. (Current and Credit Card)

Being the key idea of Open Banking, we consolidate financial information from various financial institutions and present them together for the user, we implemented this feature to allow users to add accounts that they want to track and remove accounts that they do not care about. Different account types, such as current accounts and credit cards can be tracked.

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3. Help system providing user feedback and queries

We implemented a help page which allows users to submit feedback and questions regarding the web app. The query will be saved in the admin page in Django framework and be sent to our admin email.

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4. Users have a centralised view on their finance

Since multiple accounts are connected, our web app have a summary page that compiles financial data from all accounts and shows the important financial tips, bill reminders and overdraft warnings. This allows the user to see a full financial overview on various accounts. Meanwhile, we also have summary pages for current accounts and credit cards separately as they show different insights into different types of accounts. Users thus could understand their financial data better.

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5. Financial data is categorised

Financial transactions are categorised under 'Bills & Payments', 'Transport', 'Groceries', 'Fashion & Cosmetics', 'Finances', 'Food', 'General', 'Entertainment', 'Leisure & Self-Care' and 'Other'. This provides the user with a deeper understanding regarding their financial expenditure. To categorise financial data, we used Merchant Category Code that comes with every piece of transaction data provided by Open Banking api. It allows extra accuracy in categorisation compared to the machine learning model we have built.

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6. Bill reminders

Bill reminders are catered towards each account. it analyses the information about all direct debits on an account and display active direct debits with next payment happening anytime from now to the next statement day. Bill reminders remind users of the date and amount they have to pay the bills so they could decide if they want to save some money for these bills.

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7. Dynamic data visualisation using Chart.js

Our visualisations are made using Chart.js. After processing and cleaning the data in our Django model, it is then used in our charts. According to the account selected, the visualisations will reflect the respective account. Using customised tooltips, I have successfully formatted the tooltips to display the correct number format as well as currency (e.g categorical amount spent pie chart), as well as adding lines to the predictions graph if there were multiple accounts selected.

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8. Budgeting Caps

Using our budgeting caps, we can display whether the user is managing his/her finances wisely. We have a caps page which has a list of budgets set for each category as well as how much is spent for each category, if the spending is more than two third of the budget, the bar will turn yellow, notifying the user that he/she should spend more wisely, whilst exceeding budget would turn the bar red, therefore signalling that the user has spent more than his/her set budget. We believe this feature would assist the user in their financial management.

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9. Data predictions

On our categorical and full transactions page, we have a line graph indicating the predicted balance for the user. If the accounts selected are current accounts, it would show the expected balance for each day up to and including the next billing date. Since spending on current accounts is more predictable, we assume users have a similar daily spending as last month and take direct debits and salary into account to produce this prediction. If the accounts selected are credit-card accounts, it would display the past spending trend as spending on credit card is more random. Instead, we will calculate the amount users need to pay on their credit cards so they do not need to pay the interest fees.

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10. View transactions in a certain date range

We have implemented a date selection tool using daterangepicker.js. This allows the user to specify a time range in which they would like to view their transactions.

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11. Pagination and search for tables

Using DataTable.js, we implemented pagination and search for the tables. Due to our large set of data, it would make our web app page very long and ugly, therefore, implementing pagination allows the user to go through multiple pages of the table, reducing the clutter on the web page. It also allows the user to specify the number of transactions per table page. Using the search function also narrows down the financial transactions, this in turn allows the user to view transactional data for a particular shop per se.