Hand-drawn paper sketches

Design Principles

The number one priority is when designing [1] a bot is ensuring a great user experience. To achieve to the main key factors include:

  • Simplicity: The bot should approach the questions or problems effectively and directly
  • Compatibility: The bot should be compatible with most devices used by our target audience
  • Smart: The bot should be able to recognize users' intents
  • Continuous: The bot should remember the user's past acitivies to provide suitable help

These factors can ensure that a user will have a effective and easy progress when learning.



  • [1] matvelloso. 2019. Principles of bot design - Bot Service | Microsoft Docs. [ONLINE] Available at: https://docs.microsoft.com/enus/azure/bot-service/bot-service-design-principles?view=azure-botservice-4.0&viewFallbackFrom=azure-bot-service-4.0. [Accessed 20 February 2019].