
Deployment Manual

Running the App Locally


  • git
  • npm or yarn

1. General Installation

2. Install and Configure PostgreSQL

Installing PostgreSQL, here is how you would do it on Ubuntu (instructions for other OS are here):

Create a new user:

Exit out of the postgres user by running exit on the command line. Run psql -d postgres as the current user and add a password:

Create a database called application:

To create the schema run:

3. Setting Environment Variables

Navigate to the server directory and create a .env file and populate it as follows:

Now we can start both the server and the client.

To start the server run npm run dev from the server directory and run npm start from the client directory to start the client.

Now you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/ on your browser and login as an admin ( and using your password set in .env.

Admin can register new clinicians and patients.

Once you have at least one patient registered, you can simulate the infusion pump by setting up the cronjob to run every 20-30 mins.

But first, make sure you run pip install -r requirements.txt from the server directory.

You can now setup your cronjob as follows. Run crontab -e and add the following line at the bottom to run the script every 30 minutes:

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 <YOUR FULL PATH>/server/

Alternatively, if you want to view all the functionality of the app by populating the patients with their feeds and weights, you can do so without a cronjob. Simply run:

Deploying the Application on Ubuntu VPS (AWS, Digital Ocean and etc.)

1. Startup

After you ssh to the VPS, follow all the steps above. However, create the .env file outside of your application directory (you can optionally add NODE_ENV=production environment variable). Once .env file is populated, add the following line to the bottom of /home/<USER NAME>/.profile file:

set -o allexports; source <path_to_env>/.env; set +o allexport

This makes sure that the environment variables persist.

Next, you need to install pm2, by running sudo npm install pm2 -g.

To start pm2, run pm2 start <path_to_server>/server/index.js --name nhs-dashboard.

Configure pm2 to automatically startup the process after a reboot, run pm2 startup and copy the sudo env PATH=... line and paste and run it in the terminal. Finally run pm2 save.

2. Build the react app

Navigate to the client, and run npm run build.

3. Install and configure Nginx

Navigate to /etc/nginx/sites-available.

Create a file with the name of your domain. sudo cp default <your domain name>, in my case it would be sudo cp default

Open the file we just created and modify it so it looks like this:

Enable the new site

Congratulations, your application is deployed and can be accessed at the domain name you have set.