
Compatibility Testing

In order to test our web application was compatible with multiple browsers, we ran the application and all of its features on Safari and Google Chrome. The change in browser software fortunately led to identical behaviours, and no bugs making the application more accessible to users who use different browsers.

User Acceptance Testing

In order to improve system quality and meet user needs, requirements, and expectations, user acceptance testing is crucial in checking the robustness and usability of the software. 4 people, who might be our potiental users, are invited to test and evaluate our application.






Test Case

Test Case 1

Each tester is given a Patient account. Next, we let them go to "View Records" to check their records of consultation.

Test Case 2

Each tester is given a Doctor account. Next, we let them create a patient account and check if Doctor can view recently-created patients and their records .

Test Case 3

Each tester is given a Doctor account. Next, we let them upload consultation audio file of this patient. Next, we let them go to the "View Patients" to see if the records are correct and intact.


Case Acceptance Requirements  Strongly disagree    Disagree     Netural     Agree     Toatally Agree   Comments
1 Personal infomation and records are clear 0 1 0 1 2 +  It is easy for Patients to view their records and the medical records look perfect.
-  Everything is great but the page degin is kinda plain.
2 Easy to create patients 0 0 0 0 4 +  Easy and fast.
+  Patients are clearly listed.
+  Clean and Clear! Well done.
2 Easily View Patients Records 0 0 0 1 3 +  I can view all my patients, consultation date and their records. It's fantastic!
+  Instead of fancy interface, this application can let me focus on my work.
-  All good! But it would be great if the record format can be improved.
3 Easily Upload Audio file and the electronic medical records can be converted successfully 0 0 0 0 4 +  Transcribed and summarized texts are correct and intact.
+   Nothing fancy but pratical. That's what i like.
-   A little bit time-consuming since it takes a bit time to convert the audio file to electronic medical record.


We are thrilled to see that test users are satisfied with the core function of our application. On the other hand, we should improve on the User Interface of the application website. Most importantly, we should improve the format of the electronic medical records. This UAT has given us a great reference on how to improve our application. Fortunately, there are room for improvement.