Biweekly Reports

Biweekly Report 1
12 October 2016
During the first week of this project, we assigned team roles, met the client for the first time to capture the requirements and researched about the technologies. It was a successful week as we were able to get a clearer understanding about the client as well as the project. The only negative we could take out of this week was that we were not able to know which of the three projects the client described was assigned to us, despite chasing up various members of staff.
Biweekly Report 2

28 October 2016
We agreed our requirements with the client. We spent time learning how to use Unity and develop for the Hololens. We started the project website.
Biweekly Report 3

18 November 2016
We have done more research on the tools that we need for our project and we have ordered a 3D scanner and an Ultrahaptics evaluation kit, which will be useful for our project. We have also finalised our requirements and categorised them into functional and non-functional requirements. Additionally, we have created paper prototypes for what the display would look like and the sequence of interface that the user will see when they do certain actions. Our website is also now set up on the UCL CS server.
Biweekly Report 4

2 December 2016
Over the past two weeks we have experimented with the 3D scanner and produced several 3D models of a sample garment. We have updated our website and created some wireframes for the Hololens interface prototype. Throughout the project we have been in touch with some experts in the area to advise us on the factors that we need to consider and the challenges that we need to tackle.
Biweekly Report 5

16 December 2016
Over the past two weeks we have been focusing on setting up our website and making it accessible for our clients. We have created basic UI prototypes on Sketch and on the Hololens emulator. We have also done research on testing on the Hololens and how we can automate the testing process.
Biweekly Report 6

27 January 2017
The past two weeks have been primarily clearing up loose ends from the last term and planning development from the following term. We completed our elevator pitch for our client, decided on a firm direction for the usage of the project, and we scanned more provided garments for use in development of the project.
Biweekly Report 7

10 February 2017
Over the last two weeks, we outlined and delegated tasks towards the different facets of our project. We need to continue to work on these delegated tasks over the course of reading week, as they are moreorless tasks that can be done individually. As well as this, together we worked on scanning the garments provided to us by Net-a-Porter, to varying degrees of success. These will have to be continued after reading week, if we don’t have access to the MPEB labs.
Biweekly Report 8

27 February 2017
Considering the past two weeks have consisted of Reading Week and Scenario Week, the majority of the work produced in these two weeks has been individual, with each person working on their respective task as was delegated in the previous Bi-weekly report.
Biweekly Report 9

2 December 2016
The past two weeks have been amazing in terms of progress, whether that be ticking off huge features from the requirements, such as the ability to walk around and rotate the garment and building the UI, to understanding better the needs of our scanner to produce better scans. It has really given us a major boost as it has given us the confidence to go and complete some other requirements at the same pace.