Machine Learning and IoT integration come together to create an extraordinary educational game.

Requirement gathering has been conducted steadily throughout the process of building the game. At all points of the process we have focussed on user-centric development. To do this we generally employed questionnaires, this is because questionnaires are easy to create and easy to distribute. For small decisions such as choosing sprites for the game, questionnaires have proved invaluable. We would create a questionnaire that would have 3 sprites on it; 1 sprite was chosen per developer. Then we would put 7-point likert scales next to each sprite. 5 users would fill in the questionnaires then we averaged the scores and chose the highest scoring sprites.

For grander decisions that had a greater impact on the project such as gameplay, we Must Haved semi-structured interviews with users. The answers to these interviews were generally coherent, however in cases where answers were conflicting, we used our judgment as a team.

Student Persona

Teacher Persona

Project Goals

Produce A Stellar UI

Integrate Education Seemlessly

Use IBM Watson Personality Insights to make each users experience unique

Connect with IoT devices for enhanced immersion

MoSCoW Table

Requirements Priority
Create a Player object for each user Must Have
Each player object has one spaceship object Must Have
Spaceship objects can move by clicking on a tile/item/planet for it to go to Must Have
The spaceship object can interact with items around the map Must Have
The spaceship object can interact with planet objects Must Have
Create a hexaganol tile-based map Must Have
Style the map to look like outer space Must Have
When a spaceship travels its final destination should be the centre of a tile Must Have
Each player starts off with an initial planet object called the home planet Must Have
Player object has an attack damage attribute Must Have
Player object has a defence attribute Must Have
Player object has a resources attribute Must Have
Create a Sign Up page UI Must Have
Link Sign Up page to database and perform vertification on sign up attempts Must Have
Create a Login page UI Must Have
Link Login page to database and perform user authentication Must Have
Create a quiz UI Must Have
Create a databse for quiz questions, holding the item type, item difficulty level, question, answer options, and correct answer Must Have
Player interaction with an item object should open up a quiz Must Have
If the item quiz is answered correctly then add the item to the players inventory attribute, and update the players attack, defence and resource attributes accordingly Must Have
If the user answers the quiz incorrectly add a 15 minute cooldown timer to the item, individual to the player, not to the item Should Have
Link a user's username to their player object so when they sign in the keep all their progress Should Have
Create a database to keep player information Should Have
Make the table unique identifier the players username Should Have
Add the players position to the database Should Have
Add the users attributes to the player database Should Have
Make a database for all the planets on the map Should Have
Add planets status to the planet database, i.e owned and owners username, or uninhabited and no owner username Should Have
Interacting with an uninhabited planet gives the player the ability to inhabit it or not, inhabitting it adds the planet to your space empire Should Have
Make a UI in the top corner of the screen that displays the player objects resources, attack and defense attributes Should Have
Use Atmosphe.RED to connect the game to IoT devices Should Have
Create/Buy sound clips for the game to say Should Have
Connect game with the IBM Watson SDK for Unity Should Have
On Sign Up, get users to write a short essay on a subject, then pass this through IBM Watson’s Personality Insights feature. Should Have
Add characteristics attributes to the player objects, such as compassion, aggresission, negotiational skills etc. Should Have
Create an algorithm to link the outcome of the personality insight test to the characteristics attributes values Should Have
Make email and phone number options in the sign up Could Have
Make a tick box to ask users if they want notifications and add the response to that players row in the database Could Have
Make a push notification system Could Have
Make certain game events push notifications, such as when an enemy sets route for one of your planets. Could Have
Add option for players to buy new spaceships in exchange for resources and time Could Have
Add option to sell spaceships in exchange for resources Could Have
Create a mini map UI that is placed in the bottom left corner of your screen Could Have
Minimap should have map image and coordinates of where the player object is on the map Could Have
The map image should be concealed in areas of the map the user has not yet visited Could Have
Visiting new areas of the map should uncover on the map image new sections Could Have
Minimap display before being clicked should be an image of the map in a small area around the players current position Could Have
When clicked the minimap should show the whole map image Could Have
ID Use Case For Player
UCP1 Login to the game environment
UCP2 Sign Up and create a new account
UCP3 Move Spaceship around the map
UCP4 Pickup an item and answer a quiz
UCP5 Attack enemy planets and conquer the universe