
For this project, we had 2 main testing strategies. The first and foremost was alpha and beta testing through playing the game. We began with alpha testing; throughout the process of building the game we would continually test new elements of the game by playing the game and interacting with these elements, this strategy uncovered many easy to spot bugs however due to the repetitive nature of the exercise, some of the more hidden bugs remained elusive. Therefore to combat this, we began beta testing. This means we would build the game and give it to friends and family to test, we would then ask them what bugs they have uncovered, and then we began the process of fixing them.

Another way we tested the project, that was more relevant for updates that had no direct impact on the game screen, was using the debugger tool. We would test the boundaries of functions, then using the debugger tool track the variables throughout the process. This would alert us to any mishaps, such as the many problems we encountered setting up the Personality Insights, these were generally down to the API returning null values under certain conditions.

User Feedback Examples

Tester: Cris

Feedback: It's a decent game, cool features. I like that it adjusts the game to my personality, I've never seen a game do that before. It could do with some work on the UI though.

Bugs: I could open an item, leave and then open the item again.

Tester Ben:

Feedback: The chatbot is amazing, but you should probably put something to stop swearing.

Bugs: I wrote 3 different introductions in the register thing, and they all said I was an Adventurer, but I made them all really different.

Tester: Hana

Feedback: You did a good job, obviously its not going to be as good as a proper game but it's really good.

Bugs: There are items off the edge of the map