
Current Appendices

React User Manual

Details on how to setup and run the web-app can be found on the deployment manual. Using the web-app is simple and straight forward thanks to it's simplistic and aesthetic design. A user can use it for two things: 1. Uploading construction records and 3D models to the blockchain; 2. Retrieving construction records from the blockchain. For the first part of the web-app, the user is required to insert a File Name, File Version, File Contents and optionally a 3D Model into the textboxes and via the upload function on the Upload page. Once the user has input this information, they must click the Submit button. They will then be prompted by MetaMask to make a transaction to the blockchain. The user must confirm this and wait for MetaMask to upload to the blockchain. Metamask will show when the transaction has been approved. The user cannot submit a record with a filename that already exists unless the file version is different to the preexisting record. This allows multiple versions of the same record to be uploaded to account for record updates. For the second part of the web-app, the user has a few options. They can either display all of the records uploaded to the blockchain by navigating to the Document List page, or they can search for records via the search page. If a user wants to find a specific record, they must insert the File Name and version into the relevant textboxes and press Search. The table will then display this record and its contents.

Unity User Manual

  1. The Unity application has a very straight forward interface after you install it. There are 5 buttons, the 1st button, Vuforia, leads you to the place models on object-based marker functionality. In this case, the object marker is a 5/10 pound bill.

  2. The 2nd button, ARFoundation, will bring you to the functionality of placing down models on a detected plane. Use the camera to shine around, and eventually your phone will be able to detect a plane. On the detected plane (it will show up as a grayish/black area), you'll be able to place down models if you touch on the location within the detected area. You can also press the button "clear reference points" if you want to remove the models you placed down.

  3. The 3rd button, Blockchain, will allow you to interact with the blockchain, and even transfer ether over the Ropsten Test Network.

  4. The 4th button will allow you to retrieve a test file from our private blockchain, Quorum, and display it's contents.

React Web-App Deployment Manual

The instructions on how to deploy the React Web-App is on the Github Repository that can be found here

Image showing our file on Github for the React application

Unity Deployment/Development Manual

To use the Unity application itself to test the features, you could just download the current APK which will be linked below.

However if you need to customize the server settings to further develop this Unity application for your own needs, then here is the GitHub Link to it.
The repository does not include the ServerSettings.cs file as it contains sensitive information that cannot be exposed to the public, please download the template from below and fill it out. The GitHub link contains the instructions on how to setup your environment in the file. Link to the file can be found below.

Image showing our file on Github for the Unity application

Unity Downloads

ServerSettings.cs Template

Latest Prototype
Link to

Nethereum Dotnet Application Deployment/Development Manual

This application is used purely for testing. The GitHub Repo is currently set as private due to there being sensitive server information on the repo,
if anybody wants to further develop on this application, I will include a zip file download link below to the code without the ServerSettings.cs file.

To run this application to assist you in your Unity development, first download and extract the zip file.
Then open up windows powershell and do "dotnet run" in the main directory of the dotnet test application.

If there are any problems or questions, feel free to contact me at

Nethereum Dotnet Application Downloads

Dotnet Application Code

ServerSettings.cs Template

Estimated Costs for deploying the blockchain service and blob storage

Estimated costs for Deploying the Azure Blockchain Service


Estimated costs for Deploying the Azure Blob Storage


Total Estimated Cost per month

(Azure Blockchain Service + Azure Blob Storage)

Type Estimated Cost Total
Development $146.16 + $17.92 $162.08
Production $897.58 + $122.88(1TB Blob Storage Package) $1020.46

Appendices at time of first Prototype

Deployment Manual

GitHub Repository for React DApp

Unity APK [Click to Download]

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart showing our progress throughout the project

Bi-Weekly Reports

November 22nd, 2019 : No report as we couldn't communicate with our clients yet.

December 6th, 2019

January 24th, 2020

February 7th, 2020

Feburary 28th, 2020

March 13th, 2020

March 27th, 2020