

This section aims to describe the process of deploying this project to the Azure cloud as a Docker container, as well as how to automate the process. The benefit of automating this procedure not only saves time but allows constant feedback from the client as soon as any changes are implemented.

Automating deployment is not an essential part of deploying the project, but it will save a lot of time having to manually update the builds on the cloud service you decide to use, and to then reinstate the running project to the updated builds

Pre Requisites

1. An Existing Project
The Django files for the project must have existed prior to deployment, with the bare minimum of being able to run python runserver without it erroring. Of course you could try to dockerise and deploy a non functional codebase, but why would you?

2. Git (and access to the repository)
You may install git here. You will need git installed on the system for version control.

You also need a GitHub account, you can create an account from GitHub. You require access to the respository so that you have push/pull rights to the codebase, which is a GitHub repository.

3. Azure CLI
You will need the Azure Cloud Shell or some installation of the Azure CLI to complete some of the steps necessary for automated deployment. You can install Azure CLI from here

4. Azure Container Registry
You need this registry to contain your Docker image. It will hold your Docker image in the Azure cloud, as well as all previous builds. It acts like a repository for Docker images!

You can create one using this guide. Remember what resource group is used for deployment as this is used when you automate the deployment using GitHub workflows.

5. Docker
You need docker to build an image from your codebase, you can install it here


Keep in mind
You will need to ensure that 'Actions' is enabled for your repository. You can make sure this is the case by going to Settings > Actions > Actions permissions, and select 'Allow all actions'


Turning the project into a Docker image is not an essential part of the project, but it does offer a level of safety and encapsulation from the base system. This eliminates the cursed "it works on my machine" fallacy.

The Docker container will provide its own environment for the project to run inside without the overhead of a virtual machine.

This only serves as a very brief description of Docker. There are countless reasons for using Docker in the deployment of this project and you can read more about them here .

Setting up Docker

Before being able to create a Docker container for your project, you will need to have Docker installed locally.

Please choose the correct installation guide for your machine from here.

Making the Dockerfile

Here's the Dockerfile
Here's the Dockerfile that you can use to setup the container...

Docker will use this file as guidance on how to build a container for our project. We need to place it at the root of the project directory, with the name Dockerfile.


Contents of the Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.8.3-alpine

# set work directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# set environment variables

# copy project
COPY . /usr/src/app

# install dependencies
RUN python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# commands issued to container
RUN python myvenv/ clearsessions
RUN python myvenv/ makemigrations
RUN python myvenv/ migrate
CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", ""]

What does any of this mean?...
Each of the lines in the Dockerfile is called a directive

FROM python:3.8.3-alpine tells Docker which base image to build our container on.

WORKDIR /usr/src/app sets the working directory, and all following directives are executed here.

ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 will tell Docker to send Python output to the terminal instead of buffering it in the standard output buffer app

RUN python -m pip install -r requirements.txt installs all dependencies from requirements.txt

RUN python myvenv/ clearsessions
RUN python myvenv/ makemigrations
RUN python myvenv/ migrate

Are all run in order to prepare the Django project to be used and prevent any errors due to changes in the codebase

Running the project as a container

Building the Docker image
Use this command, from the root of the project directory, in order to build an image from the project files

docker build . -t <image-name>:latest
See documentation here, remember to replace <image-name>

-t sets the tag for the image to latest

Running the Docker image
Use this command in order to run a container based on the image we created

docker run --name <image-name> -d -p 8000:8000 <image-name>:latest
See documentation here

-name selects the name of the Docker container
-d makes the image run in detached mode, i.e. the background
-p 8000:8000 maps port 8000 from the container to port 8000 of localhost

Now go to localhost:8000 in your browser where the application is running!

You have sucessfully set configured the application to run its own isolated Docker container!

Killing the container
In order to pause the application, remember that it was running in the background, we issue the following command.

docker ps
In order to list all running containers, see documentation here.

This would produce something like...

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE            COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
841d06f865bc testing:latest "python myvenv/manag…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>8000/tcp testing

Remember to select the CONTAINER ID, in this case 841d06f865bc.

And then issue:
docker kill <container-id>
In order to stop that running container, see documentation here.

Deploying to Azure

This guide will describe the process of deploying the application to Azure using github actions. We have chosen to deploy the application to Azure, however a Docker container is portable and may be run at any endpoint! So feel free to deploy anywhere you see fit!

Likewise keep in mind that we have already looked at how to run the project as a container locally, so there is nothing to stop you form running it on premises!


Keep in mind
You will have to adjust the endpoint permissions for the application...

This involves adjusting the allowed hosts in myvenv/mysite/ and also changing the final directive in the Dockerfile
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']

Would become
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', 'your-endpoint-ip']

CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", ""]

Would change to
CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", "your-endpoint-ip:port"]

With this, you now have the potential to deploy your application anywhere!

Likewise, if you choose to deploy the project to Azure, you will need to add the public IP address of the container instance to the allowed hosts

Automating the deployment

Updating Dockerfile
We need to make a small change to our Dockerfile

CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", ""]

Would change to
CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", ""]

I.e our final Dockerfile is:
FROM python:3.8.3-alpine

# set work directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# set environment variables

# copy project
COPY . /usr/src/app

# install dependencies
RUN python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# commands issued to container
RUN python myvenv/ clearsessions
RUN python myvenv/ makemigrations
RUN python myvenv/ migrate
CMD ["python", "myvenv/", "runserver", ""]

Credentials for the GitHub repo
We need the following credentials noted down somewhere in order for our deployment to work:


We will add them to our repository secrets.

Keep in mind that our method of authenticating access to our Azure resources is through a service principal which is stored as a secret in our GitHub repository. It is documented here.

Collecting credentials
Using the Azure CLI, we will create a service principal to authenticate Azure actions

1. Get the GROUP_ID of the resource group using the name of the group
az group show --name <resource-group-name> --query id --output tsv
We do not need to save the output of this in github actions, however it is needed for the following steps so it is wise to keep it safe.

2. Create the service principal using the GROUP_ID from the previous step
az ad sp create-for-rbac --scope <GROUP_ID> --role Contributor --sdk-auth
Which will result in a JSON output similiar to:

"clientId": "xxxx6ddc-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-ef78a99dxxxx",
"clientSecret": "xxxx79dc-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-aaaaaec5xxxx",
"subscriptionId": "xxxx251c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-bf99a306xxxx",
"tenantId": "xxxx88bf-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2d7cd011xxxx",
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "",
"managementEndpointUrl": ""

We need to save all of this JSON output for the later steps.
We also need to note down the clientId which we need in the upcoming steps

3. Get the REGISTRY_ID for the container registry by querying the registry name
az acr show --name <registry-name> --query id --output tsv
We do not need to save the output of this in github actions, however it is needed for the following steps so it is wise to keep it safe. Keep in mind this step assumes you already set up a container registry as per the pre requisites.

4. Assign the AcrPush role for the container registry using REGISTRY_ID and clientId from the JSON output
az role assignment create --assignee <ClientId> --scope <registryId> --role AcrPush

Storing credentials
Using the Azure CLI, we have collected all the information needed for the automation to work!

We can save these credentials in GitHub secrets by selecting Settings > Secrets > Actions, and choosing 'New Repository Secret'

We can now populate our GitHub repository secrets as such:

Secret Value
AZURE_CREDENTIALS The entire JSON output from when we create service principal
REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER The name of the login server for the registry, in lowercase
Such as:
REGISTRY_USERNAME The clientId from the JSON output
REGISTRY_PASSWORD The clientSecret from the JSON output
RESOURCE_GROUP The name of the resource group that we used to create the service principal
And with this, our preparations are done! We've managed to do the tricky bit!

Creating the workflow
Now that our secrets are in place, we just need to automate the building and deploying of our project to our container registry using a GitHub action.

1. Select Actions from the UI in your GitHub repository
2. Select set up a workflow yourself from the menu
3. Select a name for your workflow, or leave it as the default main.yml
4. Paste the following YAML contents over the sample code
5. Select Start commit to push your workflow to the repository

Here is the YAML file to paste in, remember that you need to replace <image-name> with the name for your image

                                name: Automatic_Deployment
                                    - main
                                        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                                        # checkout the repo
                                        - name: 'Checkout GitHub Action'
                                          uses: actions/checkout@main
                                        - name: 'Login via Azure CLI'
                                          uses: azure/login@v1
                                            creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
                                        - name: 'Build and push image'
                                          uses: azure/docker-login@v1
                                            login-server: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}
                                            username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
                                            password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
                                        - run: |
                                            docker build . -t ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/<image-name>:latest
                                            docker push ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/<image-name>:latest
                                        - name: 'Deploy to Azure Container Instances'
                                          uses: 'azure/aci-deploy@v1'
                                            resource-group: ${{ secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP }}
                                            dns-name-label: ${{ secrets.RESOURCE_GROUP }}${{ github.run_number }}
                                            image: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/<image-name>:latest
                                            registry-login-server: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}
                                            registry-username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
                                            registry-password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
                                            name: <image-name>
                                            location: 'uksouth'

Keep in mind that this automation is triggered when pushing to main, feel free to change this to something else, such as production if needed!

Finishing up

With this, our automatic deployment is set up!

1. Navigate to your Azure portal over here.
2. Click on your container instance, recall that you changed <image-name>, so that is what your container instance will be called!
3. This will open up the dashboard for your container instance! Here you can see its public IP adresss, this is where the project is deployed to!

And thats it! You've gone ahead and automated the project to be built using Docker and uploaded to the Azure cloud automatically!

Some notes

docker push ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/<image-name>:latest
Pushes the freshly built Docker image to container registry from where the latest image replaces the running container instance!

This is how it keeps the application at the endpoint, namely the public IP address of the container instance, up to date with the latest changes! Here is our deployment endpoint: though this assumes we still have Azure credits in our student accounts

Further, this is how we chose to deploy our project... You can deploy this project anywhere since it is wrapped up as Docker container that can be run anywhere! The possibilities are endless.