Project background and partner introduction

Our client is The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is a humanitarian organization founded in 1919 to provide assistance to people affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and health emergencies. The IFRC is composed of 192 member National Societies, which work together to support and empower vulnerable communities around the world. The organization's mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, and promote respect for human dignity. Our primary stakeholders for this project are Justin Ginetti(Risk Analyst at IFRC) and Jenny Paola Yela Bello(Data Scientist at IFRC).

Project Goals

Our client requires impact exceedance curves and tables for multiple impacts based on observational data from national disaster loss databases such as DesInventar and EM-DAT, as well as other sources. The model should be able to automatically update based on the availability of new data, and be applicable to as many Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies as possible. The project is aimed at enabling National Societies to allocate funding for anticipatory action towards natural hazards that occur more frequently, with a 5-year return period.


  • Generating loss exceedance curves and tables for floods, storms, and earthquakes

Requirements Gathering

The initial requirements provided by the problem sheets were confusing, as we were unfamiliar with all the technical jargon associated with the disasters, as such we scheduled a call with our client to get a better understanding.

To ensure effective use of the meeting we wrote a few questions for our client as well as did some research on the topic, so we could communicate our understanding of the topic. We chose a video interview, to gather requirements so we can clarify parts which we do not understand, furthermore the interaction is more personalized so we could understand our client better.

Here is a list of questions we asked for one of our initial meetings:

There are APIs provided by DesInventars, make the most use of it to get data needed.

The intended audience for the project will primarily be IFRC software engineers. These engineers will integrate graphs and tables into the IFRC GO platform, which will aid decision makers in their efforts. Once the outcomes have been uploaded to the website, both IFRC personnel and government officials will benefit from the insights gained through your work.

  1. More effective allocation of funding: By producing impact exceedance curves based on observational data, the IFRC will be better able to allocate its Disaster Relief Fund to areas that are most at risk from natural disasters. This will help ensure that the funding reaches the areas that need it the most, and that it is used in the most effective way possible.
  2. Anticipating the impact of future events: The impact exceedance curves will help the IFRC to anticipate the impact of future natural disasters, allowing them to take proactive measures to mitigate the effects of these events. This will help reduce the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable communities, and may even help prevent some disasters from occurring altogether.
  3. Open-source model for risk analysis: By making the model open-source, all national societies will be able to access and use it to improve their disaster response and reduce the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable communities. This will help build resilience in vulnerable communities, and may even save lives in the event of a natural disaster.

The project will deliver a thoroughly documented code package, complete with easily accessible APIs, designed to generate Loss Exceedance Curves and Tables.

To begin the project, it's best to establish a development plan as a team and allocate time for each component. It's important to understand the terminologies, such as "loss exceedance curves" and “return periods”, then conduct research on similar projects. Also, examining the datasets is crucial to determine their quality and decide on any necessary adjustments to prepare them for analysis.


Persona 1

Persona 2

Persona 3

Persona 4

Use Cases

List of Use Cases

ID Use Case for User
UCU1 Downloading Data
UCU2 Processing Data
UCU3 Generating Loss Exceedance Curves
UCU4 Generating Loss Exceedance Tables

Use Case Description

Use Case
Actor IFRC Software Engineer
Description Downloading Data from DesInventar and Converting it to csv files
Main Flow
  1. User runs the data-downloader module
  2. System downloads datasets to user's machine
Result Datasets downloaded and converted to csv format
Use Case
Actor IFRC Software Engineer
Description Processing Datasets into Wanted Shape
Main Flow
  1. User runs the data-processor module
  2. System cleans the datasets, removing rows and columns not needed
  3. System aggregates files according to categorization
  4. System slices datasets by setting rules
Result Datasets cleaned, aggregated, and sliced
Use Case
Actor IFRC Software Engineer / Risk Analyst and Decision Maker
Description Generating Loss Exceedance Curves
Main Flow
  1. User sets country name, hazard type, time range
  2. User runs data-visualizer module
  3. System outputs loss exceedance curves
Result Loss exceedance curve genreated
Use Case
Actor IFRC Software Engineer / Risk Analyst and Decision Maker
Description Generating Loss Exceedance Tables
Main Flow
  1. User sets country name, hazard type, time range
  2. User runs data-visualizer module
  3. System outputs loss exceedance tables
Result Loss exceedance tables genreated


IFRC Risk Analysts and Decision Makers

When a low-impact high frequency event occurs, the IFRC Risk Analysts and Decision Makers will need to allocate resources for the event depending on the impact. To evaluate its impact, the IFRC will use our graphs to determine what the maximum impact could be for this event. Depending on this and the status quo of the event, they will allocate funds and all need based requirements for the communities to thrive again.

IFRC Go Software Engineer

The software engineers will be integrating our model to the GO platform, this will ensure the information produced by our model is open-source and fully available to anyone who needs access to it. We have provided all the documentation needed for the engineers to use our models, as such they would not have to make changes to our codebase to integrate it.

MoSCow List

Functional Requirements

ID Requirements Priority
1 Automatically download data from DesInventar Must have
2 Convert xml files to csv files for analysis Must have
3 Categorise hazards and combine sub-types of floods, storms and earthquakes Must have
4 Decide rules to exclude any unreliable data due to report bias Must have
5 Slice datasets based on the rules Must have
6 Validate data to make sure each event only got include once Must have
7 Loss exceedance table generator Must have
8 Loss exceedance curve generator Must have
9 Completed API for GO platform Frontend Developers Must have
10 Clear Documentation Must have
11 Highlight significant points of loss exceedance curves Should have
12 Users can choose which countries and events they want to generate data for Should have
13 Robust error handling for our system Should have
14 Users can adjust the slicing rule of the data as well Could have
15 Users have the option of setting a time range as well Could have
16 Users can input other datasets to generate curves and tables Could Have
17 User Interface is not needed as it is a tool for frontend Won't Have

Non-Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Priority
1 Clear Documentation must be provided, both in-code and external Must Have
2 The tool must be easy to understand for developers Must Have
3 Extendability: the tool must be easily extensible and adaptable to changing needs and requirements Must Have
4 Maintainability: Maintainability of the tool must be high, as it is easy to maintain and update Must Have