Automising ML training for scent identification with MOX sensor, complete with convenient GUI for streamlined data collection and training.
Streamlining the data synthesis and feature extraction process for further analysis of any olfactory experience.
One destination for a straightforward and navigable access to view current and historical readings, setup and configure the gas sensor and olfactometer, train classification algorithms, and view database for all previously identified scents database.
Providing a digital library of olfactory experiences for further analysis and quality control.
Facilitate prediction and identification of scents present in the environment using machine learning algorithms trained specifically for the use case.
View current and historical readings, set up and configure the gas sensor and olfactometer, and view all previously identified scents database all in one.
Second Year Computer Science Student at UCL.
Frontend and database developer.
Second Year Computer Science Student at UCL.
Frontend developer, system integration.
Second Year Computer Science Student at UCL.
Data synthesis system developer, data analyst, ML developer.