Over the upcoming months, follow us on our progress and findings in our Augmented Reality project

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Our Mission

We are students at UCL tasked with developing an application that showcases the HoloLens' gaming capabilities and possibly extend them

We will be making an Augemented Reality (AR) puzzle game utilising marker tracking functionality which we will develop on to run on the HoloLens.

Keynotes About HoloLens

Here is an outline of what the HoloLens has to offer

Windows 10

HoloLens runs on Windows 10 platform and self contained. No need to worry about walking around tethered to a wire

Augmented Reality

Merging the real world with the virtual world seemlessly

Robust Hardware

With a dedicated custom holographic processing unit (HPU), it processes large amounts of data per second in real time. Low Latency and immersive holograms

Lets Get In Touch!

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions

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