Building the game
To build the game, you have to copy the repository and have the prerequisite tools for building the game:
Unity 5.5.2f1 (with Microsoft SDK)
Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
- Visual Studio 2017 has to have the Universal Windows Platform development workload, Game Development with Unity workload.
- Visual Studio 2015 has to have Tools (1.4) and Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586) if using custom install, under Universal Windows App Development Tools node.
(Optional) HoloLens Emulator (requires Hyper-V)
Once you have the tools, you can open the project in Unity – just select one of the top-level directories in the repository from within Unity’s open project dialogue. Once you have the project opened, head into File -> Build settings -> Build… and select a directory where you would like to put the generated Visual Studio project (can be a new directory, we usually use “App” as the directory name). After waiting for the files to be generated, you can now open the “
Running the game
After building the game, or managing to directly sideload the app bundle (, the game should be loaded onto the HoloLens. A spatially mapped mesh of the room should appear after a while, along with highlighted areas in white, where the game recommends the level to be placed. You can now walk around the room to map the room to as high of a quality as you would like. When you are satisfied, you can look at a suitable place (the cursor tells you where the HoloLens thinks you are looking) and air-tap to place the level. Afterwards, you can rotate the level by tapping and holding it and moving your hand on the horizontal. When you are satisfied, just simply tap on the level plane (big white plane underneath the level). This should cause the plane to disappear and the level should now be playable. The menu should also appear.
Say “show” to make the menu appear and “hide” to make the menu disappear.
Tap on buttons in the menu to play the level, pause the level, reset the level, select a different level, or close the application. The level can only be reset when it is not being played.
Use printed markers to place objects within the game scene. Alternatively, you can move the objects by tapping and dragging them around and double-tapping them to make them rotate 90 degrees – although the marker tracking method is preferable.
The goal of each level is to get the ball to the goal.