AVABOT helps you work
Remotely, Smartly, Productively



Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, most companies have switched to remote working, where Avanade is one of them. The new working style brings new challenges, in particular, productivity and communication take a hit when employees are new to working from home.
AvaBot is therefore created to ease the pain, it holds rich knowledge base to answer employees' questions about the company's newly induced tools and policies for remote working. It is also endowed with AI functionalities, including natural language processing and image recognition, to help employees with documents: to read, analyse, and understand documents for them and thus enhance their productivity.

QA Paris

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Experiment Documents

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Conversation turns

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Have a look at the amazing features of AvaBot specially designed for remote-workers.


Question answering

Got questions about the company guidelines and polices, how to use online utilities, and more? Ask AvaBot and it will tell you the latest info. It can also answer general questions like 'how is it?' serving as your consultant and your companion.

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Document analyzing

Have to read through long official documents? AvaBot will do that for you, it will analyse the document and extract the most important points that you can't miss, moreover, a powerful on-cloud QA system is behind the bot and ready to answer all your queries over the document.

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Image Recognizing

Want to collect info from pictures and images? AvaBot is able to recognize tables from documents and text from images. You don't have to take down things manually, simply leave the pic to AvaBot, then you can do the copy-and-paste.

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Intro Video

Learn what we have done by a 2-min video.

Our Team

Meet our amazing team members.

Zihan Zhu

Team Leader

A second-year student at UCL
Bot developer, text-summary researcher, tester and website designer

Chaozy Zhu

Team Member

A second-year student at UCL
QA-system and API developer, researcher, video editor and client liaison

Davit Mirzoyan

Team Member

A second-year student at UCL
Programmer, form-recognizer researcher and development blog developer

Project Timeline

Learn how our project has been organized and progressing.