

Summary of Achievements

Functional MoSCoW

Non-Functional MoSCoW

Known Bug List

ID Description Status
1 Item icons not showing in choose your fate once detected        
2 If internet is too slow, user coordinates not saved on image in the camera screen        
Work In Progress
3 If internet is too slow, user coordinates not saved on image in the camera screen        
4 Compatibility issues with some libraries for iOS
Work In Progress
5 Local Database not yet synced with available quests, still retrieving quest details from backend.
Work In Progress

Individual Contribution

Critical Evaluation

UI / UX 

Eval: 10/10

Very positive feedback from everyone who has taken a look and tested the app, including TA and client both of whom independently commented that the app looks much more like a finished product rather than a coursework project. Generally a very clean app, however, we can improve the manufacturer experience by improving quest/verification UI.


Eval: 10/10

We’ve gone above and beyond in adding optional functions and improving the user experience. For example, we’ve implemented an entire Local Database for the app to be able to store all the user data locally, avoiding the few second loading of the app communicating with the backend database.

To list more functionality: 
● Manufacturers can create and add verification methods instead of being forced to use a hardcoded one, and reuse it for future requested items. 
● Creating API’s for (which allow for huge customisation opportunities) 
    ○ Adding a verification
    ○ Adding a quest 
    ○ Creating an incentive (custom rewards for the user) 
● Stats page displaying habitual data such as most recycled items, number of items totally recycled, etc.


Eval: 6/10

The app has proven stable on all functionality except 3 that we have identified:
1.   Within the ‘Choose your Fate’ system, the app does not always correctly recognize the item. Though we have noted this here, this problem isn’t completely our own as we are using Azure’s Recognition Service to identify items and not our own algorithm.   
2.   If the user has slow internet, when saving an image on the camera page the user’s location data may not be saved on the image as intended.   
3.   Some libraries conflict with iOS devices, thus need to examine how to resolve these issues.   


Eval: 7/10

The app loads very quickly and despite not using OS-specific code, there is no concern in terms of speed.   
We took it upon ourselves to create the aforementioned local database so we have an area to store all the user’s information on the front-end, eliminating any need for the user to experience any ‘loading’ screens for most of their in-app experience; however, we did not have the time to fully integrate all of the apps features with this front-end app, and so some (such as the Quests page) still communicates with the back-end. Nevertheless, the infrastructure is all created for the front-end implementation.


Eval: 7/10

We rated 7 as we’d like to highlight using Flutter, which means that we have not only created an app that functions on both major mobile OS (iOS and Android) in one go, but as of Flutter’s latest update, the app can also be developed (and compatible with) web applications as well with the latest Stable release - however, the app is yet to be tested on the web. Ultimately, the app is compatible across all major platforms, however requires further testing.   
We deducted 3 points for the identified iOS issues that have been aforementioned .


Eval: 10/10

Using git (and separating our branches) we were able to keep track of our code and record the changes. We separated our front-end and back-end practicing the Separation of Concerns’ principle as well. 

Project Management

Eval: 10/10

Our project was managed based on three simple principles:
  1. Meet and update everyday
  2. All the members can join to help regardless of part they are assigned
  3. Alert issue whenever it comes out
Due to above principles, we successfully managed to finish most of the tasks far before deadline.

Future Work

Followings are list that we want to expand in future...