

Project Background and Client Introduction

  Avanade is our client. It is a global professional sevices company providing IT consulting and services focused on the Microsoft platform. Avanade consults many companies including manufacturers, and among them, there are times when it needs to cover issues related to supply of recyclable products. To resolve supply issue, we decided to create efficient route of recyclable delivery by connecting between manufacturer and individuals. Furthermore, this was expanded to provide the route for charity and donation such as edible food or reusable products.

Project Goals

  The first aim of our project is to provide mobile app which gamify the process of recycling so that individuals are motivated to recycle. Customers of our app will get instant compensation though our incentive system so that they can be motivated well. The second aim is to provide path between individuals (customers) and manufacturers to deliver accurate recyclable products through mobile app. The third aim is to enable above route for other reusable products such as edible food or second handed t-shirts. To summarise, our goal is to motivate individuals to send accurate recyclables (or donation) requested by manufacturers (or charities) in their daily lives.

Requirement Gathering

  The first quest we received was 'How might we deploy IoT and AI to improve recycling at a products end of use?'. The further meeting with client was required to know exact requirements we need to achieve. It took times to get the point of the topic as 'improving recycling' was too vague. Every time before the meeting, we brainstormed about our project and then we asked to client if that fits to his requirements. Our brainstorming was based on three main points requested from client.
  1. Product of our project should be related to IoT such as web or mobile apps.
  2. Our product needs to have some sort of AI model.
  3. Our product needs to solve waste of recycling by helping manufacturers to get recyclables they need.
  4. It would be better if our work had scalability.

  Following list is used to achieve exact requirements..
-  How are we applying AI in the context of this task?
-  How are we applying IoT in the context of this task?
-  Do client want people improvement? Or Company improvement?
-  Who's our end user? Someone doing the recycling? Someone recovering the goods? Recycle plants?
-  Are we meant to worry about how to get the goods to the manufacturer? So shall we make the client post or can we assume   that there is a delivery service?
-  Are we focusing on a manufacturer or we can make something that many manufacturers can use at the same time?
-  How can we help manufacturers to use recycle goods?
-  Should we improve manufacturer's capacity to use recyclable product?
-  Can we expand our idea as long as we resolve recycling issue?

Personas with Use Case Story

Anna Mallin (customer) is an teenager studying at College. Anna tries to recycles usually because she thinks it is responsible to help the environment. However, she often feels like her recycling isn't very meaningful, so she felt lazy to recycle. She downloads our app in the hopes of increasing motivation to recycle. She chooses the type of recycle(or donation) she wants through our app 'choose your fate' section. She instantly receives quests depends on the fate she chooses and will meet weekly recycling goal. She can see the points associated with completing goal. She recycles constantly every week to meet the weekly goal. Those points can be checked with incentive page, and she is motivated to reach more achievement through recycling.

Jeremy White (manufacturer) is a manager of manufacturer. He wants to show that his company is using recyclable products so that they can improve their image. He wishes to use more recycle materials, but it was not easy for him to gather these materials. Then he downloads the app and switched the app to manufacturer mode. He creates his requirments by requesting certain materials and the amount he needs. He got accurate recyclables products he needs with simple step using mobile app.

Molly Gardner (customer) is mother with two children who are interested in living in the house. She realises her family is throwing out so many recyclable and edible food. She wants to know which kind of products can be recycled or reused, not just wasting. She downloads our app to see if she can reduce the waste from her family. She took photo of items she wondered if they could be recycled or donable and save photos for the proof that the recycling is made by herself. She realises that many products can be recycled and she has many reusable products for donation. She collects items according to quests and then she gets rewards through verification by drop-off points informed by quest info. She feels satisfied that her family is not just wasting and throwing out.

Use Cases

Our persona above shows the story of the users. A flowchart presents overall scheme.

Functional MoSCoW

Must have:

  • Users should be able to login/sign-up through Microsoft
  • Users should be sent quest weekly to recycle/donate items from the app
  • Users should be able to select their preferred items based using our AI to recognize the item.
  • Users should be able to show their ID QR code when go to a drop off point to give the item.
  • Users should get reward (points to level up) when they finish a quest
  • Manufacturers/charities can create quests for the item they need through the app
  • Manufacturers/charities should be able to use the QR scanner to scan user QR code to verify the quest.
  • Manufacturers can create and save verification methods for reuse in quests.

Should have:

  • Users / Manufacturers / Charities should be able to see the statistics about their past quests.
  • Users should be sent out quest according to their preference.
  • Users should be able to take a photo and record the number of items they sent as an unmanaged verification method
  • Manufactures / charities should be able to provide their own way to verify the quest instead of the built-in QR scanner using the API provided.
  • Manufactures / charities should be able to use API to get all of their work done for greater customisability. (e.g. they can integrate that to their own app)
  • Manufacturers should be able to access Incentive API to perform their own rewarding system (e.g. send coupons as a reward)

Could have:

  • Basic user personalization (such as users select their own avatar/character)
  • Allow Manufacturers to set a drop off point on a map as part of the verification method.
  • Allow users to see the drop off point in-app as part of the quest.
  • Allow manufacturers/charities to set description for themselves that users can see as part of the quests they receive.
  • Allow the companies to set their logo.
  • A First-Time user introduction screen for first-time users describing the app.
  • Reward habitual recycling (e.g. give them more points for maintaining/ improving recycling habits)

Non-Functional MoSCoW

Must have:

  • Load data in the app should not take longer than 1s (except the first time) by using a local database. 
  • The APIs should only accept authorized request (e.g. authorized with Microsoft Active Directory). 
  • Users will be informed if there is error fetching latest data instead of providing out-of-date data. 
  • When using AI recognising objects, the server should never store any images for privacy concerns. 

Should have:

  • The database should be able to be changed easily using Template design pattern. (e.g., Changed from current SQL server to something else). 
  • Use one codebase to lower the cost on development across platforms.