

Main Technology

Our Technology is mostly explained at Research and System Design. This page further explan about our Technology Implementation.



We mentioned that we used Flutter as our main front-end framework in research part. Flutter interacts with users by UI. When they get requests from users, they send the request to back-end by making getmethod(). When it receives data as response, it passes the data (json file) and render it to corresponding widget.

Version used: Flutter 1.22.5 (used during early and mid term of project), Flutter 2.0.1 (used during late term of project)

Available Platform: Android (API 16 & above), iOS (iOS 8 & above)


Spring Boot

We mentioned that we used Spring Boot as our main back-end API in research part. Spring Boot requests data to SQL server and fetch data. As data is stored in different tables, it fetches data from different tables combining them into object. It passes the object as response to front-end, and the return value will automatically transfers into json file.

Version used:  Spring Boot 2.4.1

Included Technology


We make use of SQLite via implying the sqflite plugin in Flutter. SQLite is implied to serve as local database. It saves fetched data from local controller and send current saved data to corresponding widget.

Version of dependency: sqflite 1.1.6


We use packages provided by Azure in Spring Boot. The packages are used to connect our back-end API to our SQL server deployed in Azure server. Also, the packages support connection between our app and recognition AI service provided by Azure.

As mentioned above we use SQL server deployed in Azure. SQL server is used for our main database as normal.