Build and Run
- Clone the project to your local device
- git clone
- Install Python's Virtual Environment
- Create a virtual environment
- virtualenv venv --python=python3.8
- Activate the virtual environment
NOTE: When ending your session, run `deactivate` in the terminal to exit the virtual environment.
- Install the required dependencies
- python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Activating the Bot
NOTE: Activate virtual environment in all terminals.
- From this repository's directory, go into the 'chatbot' directory in 3 different terminals.
- In one of the terminal, start the Rasa Action Server. (This is for backend algorithms.)
- When the Rasa Action Server is up and running, start the Rasa Open Source Server in another terminal. (This is for HTTP communication.)
- rasa run --enable-api --cors="*"
- When the Rasa Open Source Server is up and running, start your localhost server.
- In another new terminal, go into the 'database' directory.
- Migrate and activate the database server.
- python3 migrate
- python3 runserver 3000
- Start using the bot in `localhost:8000`.
NOTE: As the model is built on natural-language understanding (NLU), the use of certain keywords such as "values", "levels", "which", "what" or "how" could affect the answers by their respective definitions.
- Sample reports are available in `chatbot/sample-reports` for trying out the bot.