
Blogs and Videos

For a better understanding in our project, we have recorded our progress and research biweekly in the form of blogs and monthly in the form of videos.

Click here to visit our Notion page for more information!


Deployment Manual

To avoid confusion when deploying the application, a page is specially tailored for showing the steps clearly.

Please click here to view.

User Manual

To clearly show the operating steps, a page is specially tailored for the guidance.

Please click here to view.

Agreement and Licence

End-User Licence Agreement (EULA)

To view the agreement, please click here to visit the page.

CC Licence

All contents in this website, including but not limited to images, articles and layouts are distributed and published under the following license with exceptions*:

CC Licence

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Logos on the website belong to their copyright holders Infosys and UCL, of which no third-party are permitted to make use.