User Manual


  1. Simple Casual Chatting

  2. Document Querying with TaPas

  3. Connecting to Channels


As our bot supports simple casual chatting and document querying, the demonstration will be shown in two subsections.

When we first greet the bot, the user will be asked if they would like to proceed with document querying. Else, the bot will enter casual chatting mode.

Casual Chatting or Document Query Path Selection

Buttons are available to users for clearer understanding of choices and actions to take.

Casual Chatting

If no report is selected, the bot will proceed to ask about the user’s mood and give appropriate responses according to the user’s choice.

Casual Chatting Path

Document Querying

If the user chooses to follow the querying path, the bot will ask the user to select a file for query through a file selector window.

Document Querying Path

File Selector window

Once a file is chosen, the bot will prompt the user for their desired question.

Asking Question Prompt

The user types in their question and press ‘enter’ or click submit to send over their input.

TaPas takes the question and the selected file for processing and prediction. This process usually takes 5 to 10 seconds. When the answer is returned, it will be displayed to the user and another prompt would be triggered, asking the user if they have more questions on the same file. Else, a new session would be triggered for the user to select their next file for query.

More Question Prompt

Connecting to Channels

Our bot is compatible with channels such as:

  1. Your Own Website

  2. Facebook Messenger

  3. Slack

  4. Telegram, and more...!

As this functionality comes along with the Rasa bot, detailed instructions can be found in their official documentation.

Click here to learn more!